Helpful Tools

Our monthly newsletter provides tools, tips, and resources to help keep kids Healthy and Ready to Learn. To stay up to date on program activities and local events, sign up for our newsletter. Click below to view past newsletters and learn more about our monthly themes.

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April: Emotional Weather Forecast

April: Emotional Weather Forecast
Each morning, we check the forecast to prepare for the day ahead. But, how do we prepare for the emotional weather that occurs within each of us, the kind that we cannot predict?
March: Build a family history of resilience

March: Build a family history of resilience
Take a moment to reflect on the stories of women that have inspired you to walk with courage in ways you never imagined. Each footprint symbolizes a step toward progress.
February: Spread the LOVE!

February: Spread the LOVE!
With Valentine's Day approaching, let’s spread the LOVE with random acts of kindness. Let us inspire everyone in our lives with extra warmth and kindness from our hearts.
January: TA-DA LIST!

January: TA-DA LIST!
With the start of a new year, we strive to build healthy habits. A TA-DA! list can be a source of inspiration, enabling us to celebrate every step that moves us closer to achieving our goals.
December: ‘Tis the season to be jolly

December: ‘Tis the season to be jolly
When we feel overwhelmed it is ok to slow down and say “no” to new commitments. This can help us to stay present and find some peace and joy this season.
November: Add Some Gratitude

November: Add Some Gratitude
Too often, as parents, educators, and caregivers, we forget to feel appreciation for ourselves. Practicing self-gratitude is about showing yourself kindness and appreciation!
October: Group Mantras

October: Group Mantras
One way to encourage positivity in the lives of our children is to create a group mantra. The mantras and values that you share with children can positively influence their environments!
September: Recipe for School Readiness

September: Recipe for School Readiness
Back-to-school butterflies can feel like a mix of nerves, anxiety, and excitement.Encourage your children and students each day to set their minds and hearts on having a positive learning day.